What Are China And Russia Saying In Regards To The Israel An Army soldier was injured in an encounter between terrorists and safety forces near the Line of Control in Sunderbani city of Rajouri district in Jammu and Kashmir late Tuesday night time. Defence sources stated Army launched a search operation after presence of armed men was confirmed close to the LoC in Sunderbani city of Rajouri. Sign up for the Early Bird Brief, the protection trade's most complete information and knowledge, straight to your inbox. Congress funded the first lot of 5 CH-47F Block IIs in its FY21 price range, going towards the Army’s wishes specified by FY20 and FY21 price range requests, which included funding for less than the Army particular operations variant — the MH-47G. Some lawmakers are once more calling for sufficient funding to buy the plane for the lively drive. Discover the national and global impact of the First World War and hear the stories of women and men whose lives had been affected...